Enhancing code recommendation with syntax tree-based techniques

Published: 6th January 2024


As software development grows increasingly complex, the need for efficient code recommendation systems becomes paramount. Traditional approaches often rely solely on textual similarity metrics, which may overlook important structural similarities between code snippets written in different programming languages. To address this limitation, we developed a novel code recommendation system leveraging syntax tree analysis and iterative clustering techniques.


Our aim was to create a robust code recommendation system capable of accurately suggesting relevant code snippets even across different programming languages and for both contiguous and non-contiguous queries.


1. Syntax Tree Conversion: We utilized ANTLR, a powerful parser generator, to convert code snippets into language-agnostic syntax trees. This conversion allowed us to capture the structural essence of code, independent of its specific syntax.

2. Syntactic Similarity Calculation: We employed TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) and Cosine Similarity metrics to measure the syntactic similarity between code snippets based on their syntax trees. This initial ranking provided a foundation for identifying potentially relevant code snippets.

3. Pruning Irrelevant Parts: To enhance the relevance of recommendations, we pruned irrelevant parts of the method bodies in syntactically similar code snippets. This step aimed to focus on the core logic shared across snippets.

4. Iterative Clustering: We applied an iterative clustering algorithm combining DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) and Affinity Propagation to group syntactically similar code snippets into clusters. This process identified sets of code snippets sharing common structural patterns.

5. Intersection Algorithm: We developed an intersecting algorithm to refine recommendations within each cluster. By treating the first code snippet as the 'base' code, we iteratively pruned it with respect to every other method in the cluster. The remaining code after pruning constituted the final code recommendation.


We applied an iterative clustering algorithm combining DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) and Affinity Propagation to group syntactically similar code snippets into clusters. This process identified sets of code snippets sharing common structural patterns. Within each cluster, we developed an intersecting algorithm to refine recommendations. By treating the first code snippet as the 'base' code, we iteratively pruned it with respect to every other method in the cluster. The remaining code after pruning constituted the final code recommendation.


Our model achieved impressive performance, providing the expected code recommendation in 99.1% of cases for contiguous queries and 98.3% for non-contiguous queries as the top-ranked result.

By leveraging syntax tree-based techniques and iterative clustering, our system demonstrated its ability to accurately capture structural similarities between code snippets across different programming languages.


By integrating syntax tree analysis, iterative clustering, and intersection algorithms, we developed a robust code recommendation system capable of accurately suggesting relevant code snippets across diverse programming contexts. This approach not only enhances the precision of code recommendations but also fosters cross-language code reuse and accelerates software development processes.

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